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Every Day Is Mother’s Day


Every woman is of value and should be honored for the life, love and courage they have in caring for others, and their children. Being a woman is no easy feat. It comes with obligation and requires no fear. Or, shall I say the ability to act in spite of fear. It does not matter if you birthed your child or received them as a blessing from another because you are a mother and a care giver. Any way you look at it, being a mother is an honor that sometimes takes us into unknown territory requiring us to know no boundaries, and to always act out of unconditional love.

As women we have so much opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our families and communities. We have a power within us that was meant for courage and to change the world. It begins with us and then moves into the lives of those we love. If you’re a single mom parenting can be a bit more challenging as you find yourself playing a dual role, both mother and father. At times this dual role may overpower you and your ability to parent with the softer side. It’s important to have a good support system when raising children whether single or married. If you don’t have a support system I urge you to make it a priority to find other parents who can share the journey with you.

Whatever family dynamics you find yourself in please remember, you are enough! You’re the right mother for your kids and no matter the challenges God has instilled in each one of us the ability to do what we are called to do. At times it may not be all that easy and it may appear we have failed because we’ve not always reacted in the most appropriate way, made the best decisions, said the right things, or been there for every need. Or, maybe our kids are not where we feel they should be in life. These things don’t make you less of a mom or a bad parent. We are all doing the best we can with what we have and where we are in life. Don’t stop celebrating the small wins in parenting because life is short and we get one run.  Do your best & trust in God’s guidance, your dedication and love. And don’t forget to have faith in your kids for the end result!

Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:4

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25

Throughout my mom journey I have found myself in unfamiliar territory and these 2 verses have brought me comfort and encouragement. There have been times some of the challenges I faced provoked emotion and fear in me I could not control. This was no indication of a lack of love or lack of wanting the best for my children. But what it did do was step up my prayer life and strengthened my faith. It’s been my experience with God that he uses every situation to grow us, our children and our families. He allows nothing to go to waste.

Just recently during the Baltimore riot Toya Graham, the mother of a 16-year-old boy let the love and emotion for the well-being of her son take her to the front lines of that riot where she removed him from an embarrassing and dangerous situation. Toya warned her son to not go to that riot but to go to school, he did not listen. Kids do that from time to time. It does not mean you’re not a good mom. Toya has expectations for her son and his future.   She wants the best for him as do most mother’s.

Like Toya there will be times as mothers we will need to step out and make decisions on behalf of our children in hopes of saving them from something worse and life changing. I’ve experienced that emotion and have reacted in fear in hopes of keeping a child of mine from making choices that would lead them down the wrong path. All we can do is our best and not worry what others think or what they may say. Of course we all want to be perfect parents, reacting in love and wisdom at all times! Unfortunately, that is not real life. It you’ve not seen the video of Toya Graham, a mother who acted on her emotion and anger as she slapped her son off of the riot line and toward home!  It’s my guess she saved her son that day from trouble and from more than a few a slaps.

We all know kids say and do the darndest things!  Most times it is cute and we laugh.  Other times it may cause embarrassment and we may be a little less admired by others for our parenting skills. However, this in no way takes away the heart and good intentions for being the best we can be for our children. With the many distractions kids face today I want to encourage you to stay the course on those not so good days because its women like you that keep the candle burning in the hearts of your children which light up the path for their future.

Wishing You a Happy Mother’s Day Every Day!