Be Careful, be still, bethechange, Betrayal, Bible Things, Brave, Broken, Celebrate, change, concerns, Courage, Discovery, Dreams, emotion, Faith, Free, Freedom, future, God, Hope, Jesus, Love, mind, prayer, rejection, Relationships, surrender, Truth, Wisdom

The Lies We Believe

Every day we’re faced with the choice of what we will believe about ourselves. There will be voices of lies and truth. What we choose to listen to can and will change the trajectory of our life. I ask, “What will you believe about yourself today?”

There is greatness inside everyone of us that God wants to manifest. Purpose and plans that lead to peace and an abundant life. However, if we’re listening to the wrong voice we will never get there.

I came across this picture while searching for quotes on Pinterest. If you take a few minutes and take it in you will see the powerful message it tells. In a time where we’ve excessive bullying at all levels I can’t help but ask, “What lies are you believing about yourself?” The reality of this picture caught my attention as I see so many with potential caving into the lies of others and the media who seek to steal their hopes and dreams while creating confusion over their identity and so much more.

I pray today you will not listen to the voice of lies and will listen for the voice of Truth. The voice of One who sees your beauty and potential. The voice of the One who looks at you with love and acceptance. The voice of the One who came to speak life and not death. May it be that you believe in all you were created to be and so much more.

“The Lord your God is in your midst. A victorious warrior He will exult over you with joy. He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.” Zephaniah 3:17

Answers, bethechange, Bible Things, Faith, God, heart, Jesus, Love, Trust, Truth

He Speaks What is True

As I watch the news and listen to the conversations around me I’m convinced we’re living in a time where everyone needs to be “right”. So much self righteousness. Too inward focused vs. having love for others, and for the sanctity of life. So much confusion over “image” and purpose.

In a need to be seen, heard and loved I would like to remind those still searching or dissatisfied with life that God sees you – He hears you – He loves you right where you are.

Yes, Jehovah Jireh, the One who provides. The provider of all Truth. The truth we hope to discover about meaning and purpose in life.

We will find this Truth in God’s Word. It will guide us through the issues of ” life” helping us discover the answers the world cannot provide. It will spark love and truth in a way the world cannot. It will provide meaning and purpose many still search for as they ponder in their hearts what is true.

Nobody knows us like God knows us. He holds the truth our hearts long for and desires to speak truth into our heart and lives so we can walk out his plans and purposes for such a time as this.

I pray you won’t miss it! It’s my prayer you will read how God speaks of you, your heart, your purpose and his love for you in His Word – the Bible.

Go in Truth – Onward, Lorna


Are You Ready For Change?

God allows change to change us. Change can be hard work whether good or bad. It requires us to look at who we are, where we are in life, and where we’re headed. My experience with change has been the catalyst to my growth as God uses it to provide a deeper understanding of his love and care for me. He has also used the changes in my life to humble me, transform my thinking and teach me to not fear the future. But to trust him for it.

Last summer I found a restlessness stirring in my soul as I asked myself this very question driving away from work. Reminded once again of the truth that things change. We change. Life changes.

We can try and fight the change or we can surrender to God trusting him for what’s next. The great thing is more times than not, the change is for our good. It is a necessary step into our growth and understanding of God and how much love he has for us. He warns us that in this world we will have troubles (John 16:33). And with that warning there is His great truth that He will never leave or forsake us.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

You see, in 2014 God moved me from the only place I’ve really ever known as home since a very little girl. Life was ebbing and flowing but not what I felt in my heart God had for me and my family. In only ways He can work, He worked me out of my job and home all the way to So Cal. (It was a job transfer and promotion) I welcomed this move as I was ready to find reprieve and get back to a place where I could hear His voice with less distraction. I needed time to renew my spirit and mind – A new beginning so to speak.

After years of praying for healing for my family – life was not getting much better. It certainly was not the vision God had given me years before.

So, off I went on a faith adventure with God but this time with no expectation. I only believed the move would allow more healing, and a new perspective on family and life.

Due to too many years of disappointment and dysfunction it was difficult to remember how a healthy family worked together in love and respect. I had been praying for God to renew my faith and give me new vision for family relationships. I was asking to see healthy loving husband and wife relationships. And hoping God would reveal the loyal relationships he had for me.

And yet, I found myself still on the battle field and growing weary. I was longing for what God gave Moses long ago. People who would hold my arms up until I had the strength to once again. (Exodus 17:11)

This is when God in all of his faithfulness took me to So Cal to provide the answers to those prayers. Here would be my reprieve and his next steps to “reteach” and “renew” my tainted thoughts after much loss. As the battle began to subside He Lovingly brought me a tribe from an Israel trip I took in 2015. Yes, a tribe of women to stand beside me in prayer, to bring authenticity & encouragement, and renew my faith in friendship. And just like God he began to bring healthy couples into my life to give me fresh perspective on his great design for husband/wife. And after separating my family by miles and in different directions He began a new work in us. Boundaries were put in place by all and we began to look at one another in a fresh way, and not at what the past had done to us.

So Cal was a reprieve from that battle zone as God continued his work in me! Answered prayer and transformation. Trying to leave past mistakes, disappointment and regret behind can be a daunting task if we don’t give it to God. But the beauty in letting go and trusting God in the change is what renews our strength. It allows God to plant fresh vision and new dreams.

With each blog I’m reminded once again of God’s faithfulness. It humbles me as it fills my heart with more gratitude for all he has done and continues to do in mine and my family’s lives. And because I know God is not finished with us yet I’m confident we will experience more change and faith adventures!

It’s my prayer as you experience change in life that you too will find him faithful! And that when the dust settles your heart will be full and your vision fresh for what lies ahead.

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do; forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.” Philippians 3:13

Onward, Lorna
America, bethechange, Bible Things, change, Courage, future, God, Jesus, Light, Love, mind, neighbor, prayer, Relationships, Religion, Trust, Truth

The Power Of Our Thoughts

Blog 2.8.19What kind of thoughts are hiding out in your head?  How do they affect your heart, and how you feel about others?

It’s wise to check our thoughts and words, “Do they build up, honor, and leave others feeling loved?”  Words and thoughts can change the trajectory of someone’s life, even ours. This screams, our thoughts are important to God for our good and for the good of others.

Truth: God knows our hearts, knows our thoughts and what we will say before a word is formed on our lips.

“You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.” Psalm 139:4

“You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.” Psalm 139:2

Now, I’m not pointing a finger because I’m guilty of not always having the right thoughts floating around in my head – About myself and others. This can become a battle even when I start my day with the purest of intentions.

Knowing how God sees all and knows all should help position our hearts to receive his thoughts toward us. When we allow God’s thoughts toward us to rule in our heart, soul and mind the lies of the enemy are forced out!

It’s when we look up and not down at others we learn to appreciate the truth of God’s Word.  (“Love your neighbor as yourself”) We learn to value the truth of how wonderfully and fearfully we are created.  We begin to love like God loves!

Scripture comes alive as we experience in real time the Word of God cutting through the lies of the enemy, and the thoughts corrupting our minds and hearts.  (Cutting through soul and spirit).

Imagine – Our thoughts aligned with God’s and the impact it would have on our relationships, and around the world!

I pray you will allow God’s Truth to permeate your thoughts as they resonate in your heart, and negate the lies of the enemy.

Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable. If anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.
Philippians 4:8


bethechange, Bible Things, Brave, Broken, Celebrate, change, Courage, emotion, Freedom, God, Jesus

What Does God Say?


“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7

Are you tired of how others and the media say you should act, should look and how you should feel?  Do you find yourself trusting the words of others more than God’s?

And why is it we feel the need to be strong all of the time and never show emotion. It’s as if the expectation is for a bunch of robots to show up so no one feels threatened.

Can it be the expectations of others are what we wear everyday…expectation of perfection.  Are the voices in your world telling you if you’ve not done anything spectacular then you’re not worth celebrating?

Hmmm…maybe if we remain conformed to the ways of the world we will wake up looking like the world, and then we can keep our true self hidden.

Now I’m not suggesting we wallow in the hard things of life, or stay stuck.  Not at all!  There is a season to mourn and a season to celebrate.  We’re shaped by the experiences of every season in life.

Ladies, our emotions are a gift from God.  They allow us to be an extension of His love so others may see his miracles lived out in us. In our every win and loss God will develop in us deep compassion and conviction for what matters to him.  He will move us to change, and to be the change the world needs.

Today, may you see and believe just how fearfully and wonderfully you were created by your Heavenly Father:

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand –

when I awake I am still with you.
Psalm 139:11-18
